SESSION | SIGNED UP | VACANCY | Waitlisted | Member* | Non-Member* |
Intro to Sailing | 5 | 10 | – | $500 | $525 |
Race Clinic | 3 | 12 | – | $500 | $525 |
Summer Session 1 | 37 | 13 | – | $1,625 | $2,050 |
Summer Session 2 | 19 | 31 | – | $1,625 | $2,050 |
(as of Fwb 4, 2025) | |||||
*prices before discounts (see Fee Schedule) |
Thank you for visiting. Online Registration is open for Summer of 2025!
Please browse the rest of our website and contact us if you have any questions.
• Want to see if your friends are signed up?
CLICK HERE > Who's already signed up for 2025!
Registration is required with both the Junior Sailing Association (JSA) and Huguenot Yacht Club (HYC) to confirm your enrollment in the 2025 Summer Program.
Our program accepts children between 8 and 17 years old*; their age as of December 31, 2025, shall be considered his/her age for this year's program. Basic swimming skills are a requirement. Each child will be given a swim test at the beginning of each session. *Intro to Sailing is open to children 6 to 15 years old.
We are use the Club Spot for registration; it is integrated with the JSA and should streamline the registration where possible.
REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS: please read before clicking on the links below; you may need the following personal information about the jr. sailor:
• birthday, weight, sex, medical conditions, allergies, etc.
• school name - upcoming next fall
• sail number - put "TBD" if unknown
• club name - click on "Huguenot Yacht Club."
• boat name - this is optional
• Parent/Gradian: name, email, and mobile
• Secondary Parent/Guardian: name, email. and mobile
• Emergency Contact(s): name, email, mobile, and relation to jr. sailor
• Medical & Insurance Information
• Home Address of Jr. Sailor
TO START - Click on the Junior Sailing REGISTRATION Page Link this will open a new window via the Club Spot.
CLICK HERE > Junior Sailing Summer REGISTRATION Page Link
□ Step 1:
□ a. Select participant or New Participant (enter first and last name)
□ b. Select Member (enter member number) or Non-Member
□ c. Go to the Next Step
□ Step 2a: Select a Class based on experience, skill level, and type of boat
Beginner Optimist, Intermediate Optimist, Advanced Optimist, RS Feva, Laser Radial, or Club 420. See the description of each class; please ask if you are uncertain.
□ Step 2b: Select your sessions: Intro to Sailing, Race Clinic, Session 1, and/or Session 2
Intro to Sailing is not a prerequisite for beginners: a beginner can start in Session 1 and continue to Session 2 or wait and begin in Session 2.
Racing Clinic is for experienced sailors.
Click on < Registration to go back to make changes.
□ Step 3: Register with the JSA of LIS.
□ a. Past participants only need to verify or update any information held on file at the JSA: proceed to Step 5.
□ b. sailors that are not members need to click join where indicated.
Click on < Order Summary to go back to make changes.
□ Step 4: Join a new sailor to JSA of LIS.
□ a. Click on + start a new membership
□ b. Select Sailor as the category
□ c. Choose Standard as the plan
□ d. Enter Basic Details: First and Last Name, nickname, email, mobile number, birthday, gender, sailor weight, and school name (upcoming in the fall)
□ e. Enter Member Club: select Huguenot Yacht Club from the list
□ f. Upload a photo (optional) and enter a home address.
□ g. Enter Medical Details: Primary Care Physician, PCP Phone Number, and any medical conditions – enter “none” if there are no medical conditions that are significant for emergencies.
□ h. Enter Insurance Details: Insurance Provider, Policy Number, Group Number, Primary Insurance Holder (name)
□ i. Enter Parent or Guarding Information (completing the form)
□ j. Enter Secondary Parent or Guardian
□ k. Enter Primary Emergency Contact information
□ l. Enter Secondary Emergency Contact information
□ m. Enter Boat information: use TBD if you don’t know the sail number
□ n. Register with the JSA; they will send you an email with a Waiver & Medical Release Form. Read the waiver thoroughly, check the three boxes, and digitally sign. You will receive a confirmation.
□ Step 5: Enter the Name or Email of the Participant in the JSA of LIS Box. The JSA will verify by sending a code to your phone or email. Enter Verification Code and proceed to the Next Step
□ Step 6: Participant Information
□ a. Verify Basic Information
□ b. Verify Address
□ c. Additional Information
□ Do you own or need to charter a boat?
□ Each family needs to pay $100 dues for the JSA of LIS
□ T-shirt size of the sailor (child sizes)
□ Indicate if Early Drop-Off or Late Pick-Up is desired.
□ d. Additional medical information
□ e. Verify Insurance
□ f. Verify Emergency Contact Information
□ g. Verify Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s) information
□ h. Add additional Contact Information
□ i. If you wish to make a 50% payment, please put the DEFER50% in the "Discounts +" box
Proceed to the Next Step
In order to receive a Super Early Bird or Early Bird Discount, |
□ Step 7: ( Final Step ! )
A minimum 50% payment is due to confirm your registration.
If you use the DEFER50% discount code, you will be billed the remaining balance by May 15th
Payment options are Amex, Credit/Debit Card, and Bank Transfer (ACH)
What is an ACH payment? |
An ACH payment is a type of electronic bank-to-bank payment. The ACH system is a way to transfer money between bank accounts, rather than going through card networks or using wire transfers, paper checks, or cash. Direct Payment ACH covers the electronic movement of funds to make or receive payments, both by individuals and by Huguenot Yacht Club. Examples include registering for sessions and regattas, purchasing boat parts or other products, and sending refunds to families. Why use ACH rather than a credit card? The median internal cost for processing ACH payments is $0.29 per transaction. Whereas, when routed through credit card networks, there is a 1.3%-3.5% base fee per transaction. |
Huguenot Yacht Club accepts children between 8 and 17 years old (A student’s age on December 31 of the current calendar year)…
Tuition for Intro to Sailing, Race Clinic, Sessions 1 and 2, charter fees and available discounts
Information pertaining to the Tina Doufekias Junior Sailing Scholarship
Not all clubs in our area offer a Junior Sailing Program for children between the ages of 8 to 17 or do so only for their…
Current Junior Sailing Summer Program Brochure / Folleto actual del programa de verano de vela juvenil
Jr Sailing Parents and Sailors
HYC Jr Sailing Committee appreciates all the hard work and perseverance of the sailors, parents, and coaches through the Summer of 2024; This Summer we hope to "accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, latch on to the affirmative, spread joy up to the maximum, and bring gloom down to the minimum." -- same as last year ????
The first Open House for registration will be Sunday, January 26th, 2025, from 1 pm to 4 pm. Super Earlybird will be discounts for all who register by Monday.
The second Open House for registration will be Sunday, March 2nd, 2025, from 1 pm to 4 pm. Earlybird discounts for all who register by Monday..
We look forward to seeing you all again this Summer.
Safe Sailing,
HYC Jr. Sail Committee